E Waste Recycling Process

E Waste Recycling Process

You need not be a regular user of electronic items to determine that electronics will not last for a whole life. So, what happens to them once they break down? Sometimes, they are transferred to the landfills without re-use.

Other times, they are recycled. Now, you may ask, what is electronic recycling? What are the processes and benefits of recycling? We have covered all for you.

What is E-waste Recycling?

E-waste recycling refers to the reprocessing and re-use of the electronic wastes. It is simple. It is a process through which new material is formed from electronic waste. This is an efficient way to use waste electronic products

These electronic wastes maybe home appliances such as televisions, air conditioners, electric cookers, heater, air condoners, DVDs, microwaves, fans and radios. This may also include information tech equipment such as laptops, computers, mobile phones, hard disks, batteries, circuit boards and monitors.

Step-by-Step Process of E-waste Recycling

The enlisted below are the steps for recycling:


Step 1: Collecting and Transporting

At this step, the recyclers collect and transport the bins at specific places such as recycling facilities and plants.


Step 2: Shredding and Sorting

After collecting and transporting, the e-waste is shredded and sorted. The success separation completely depends on shredding, that is why the efficiency of this stage is very essential.

Shredding is the process of breaking down of e-waste into smaller pieces for sorting. With the help of hands, these tiny pieces are sorted and then physically dismantled.

After shredding, the core material and component are separated through various processes. Then, these items are sorted, and send for further recycling.

While manual sorting of e-waste, the compounds such as batteries, fluorescent light, toner cartridges and should not be crushed by hand.


Step 3: Dust Extraction

The tiny waste particles are smoothly spread on the conveyor belt through the shaking process. The spreader particles are broken down further. At this point, the dust is discarded in an environmentally compliant manner, which means no environmental degradation.


Step 4: Magnetic Separation

With the help of strong overhead magnet, the iron and steel are separated from other wastes. Through this steel is successfully recycled from the waste stream.

Through some mechanical processes copper, circuit board and aluminium are separated from other wastes.


Step 5: Water Separation

The water separation process is quite relevant to glass separation from the plastic.

The leads that contain glass is sent to smelters for the production of x-ray tubes, batteries and new CRTs.


Step 6: Purification of Waste Stream

In purification of waste stream, the leftover metals are separated from plastics to further purification.


Step 7: Preparing Recycled Materials for Sale

At the final stage, this recycled materials is ready for sale. Here, the separated materials are get prepared for sale as raw materials to produce new items.