How schools and colleges can improve sustainability and recycling?

How schools and colleges can improve sustainability and recycling?

In today’s world, it's more crucial than ever to understand the value of recycling and preventing waste to reduce your environmental footprint. There’s already a momentum around reducing waste and recycling, but with the help of the education sector, the impact could be profound.

Schools play a role in shaping our adult habits. Students who recycle now will be more likely to continue doing so as adults. As we recycle more and more of the things we use and the resources used to make them, the recycling "habit" we develop in school may transform our communities, our professions, and our country.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of recycling and how schools and colleges can improve sustainability and recycling?

Benefits of recycling

Apart from having a positive impact on the world we all live in, there are a number of other strong reasons to recycle, including:

Recycling saves energy because it requires less energy in the production process than producing goods from raw materials. Recycling aluminum, for example, saves 95% of the energy required to make aluminum cans from freshly mined bauxite. It also lowers the cost of the products.

Conserves Resources: Recycling reduces reliance on virgin raw materials in the production of new products while also lowering demands on increasingly scarce natural resources and raw materials such as minerals, wood, and petroleum distillates, hence preventing environmental damage.

Pollution Control: Recycling greatly minimizes pollution generated by dumped or burned trash in the air, water, and on the ground. It also lowers the use of landfills, lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling will almost certainly fulfill the goal of keeping items out of landfills by supplying materials that can be reused to make new products.

How schools and colleges can improve sustainability and recycling?

The education industry is usually challenged for time and so, setting up recycling initiatives may appear to be another time-consuming duty. We've described some easy initiatives that schools and colleges can do to promote sustainability and recycling in the following sections.

  • Awareness of students:

Education really is key, so ensure that you discuss the importance of recycling with students. Inspire students to consider how their personal activities affect the earth and their future environment by teaching them about the importance of recycling. Children who learn about recycling in school are more likely to make it a habit, which will help them grow into responsible people. This encourages children to incorporate recycling strategies into their daily lives, assisting in the reduction of waste generated at home.

  • Digital approach toward studies

On a daily basis, schools use a lot of paper, and it's difficult to avoid it. However, saving paper whenever possible can help to reduce waste and save natural resources.

So, before you print anything, think about whether the assignment actually has to be printed. Replacing some of your paper forms with digital forms is one of the simplest adjustments you can make to reduce paper waste. Could the same information be delivered digitally or to the entire class instead of printing pages from textbooks, or could students use computers to access learning materials rather than printing handouts?

Digital approach to studies is also one good factor towards sustainability and will eventually save trees.

  • Reduction in paper waste

The average school uses 2,000 pages per day, which adds up to 360,000 sheets of paper in 180 days.

At school, most children are interested in arts and crafts. Encourage children to utilize old newspapers instead of freshly dyed color papers for their craft lessons. You are teaching children to reuse old products by doing so. Organizing a 'Best out of Waste' competition in schools could help motivate students to learn how to turn discarded items into valuable materials.

  • Make recycling bins noticeable

Ensure that your recycling centers and stations stand out from the entrances to the halls, and from the gym to the cafeteria. Make signs that are clear and concise so that children understand what products are acceptable and where they should go.

  • Save Your Scrap Paper

Although scrap paper can be recycled and repurposed, it is usually thrown out with other rubbish. Students are aware that paper is made from trees, and they may even understand the importance of trees in our surroundings and ecosystem. Install a scrap paper bin in each classroom and in halls so that students don't run out of places to dispose of their scrap and loose-leaf paper.

  • Waste segregation

Teaching each student, the basics of waste – different types of waste and how to separate and dispose of them – has a greater chance of reversing the harmful trend of single-use plastic use or microplastic pollution in water systems.

  • Recycling:

Today, our public schools and universities are leading the nation on a high-tech wave and ensure that our students are fully wired in the classrooms. Therefore, Schools are also a leader in generating e-waste. All schools must either recycle electronics or manage their hazardous waste by keeping them out of landfills and then practicing recycling themselves.

Schools and college leaders can recycle and sell their used electronics to an online scrap buyer like Scrapbuk, which has a strong commitment to environmental protection.


Recycling and reusing wastes are important for long-term sustainability because they lessen the negative impact of human activities on the environment. You may be a single customer, but you play a critical role in the success of recycling.

The earth is a beautiful place and it will be unfair to the future generation to leave it exhausted and depleted for them.