Save the ocean from Plastic Pollution

Save the ocean from Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is a global issue that is developing at an exponential rate as both consumerism and the number of plastics used to make the items we use on a daily basis increase.

Many of these things are single-use products that are only used once before being discarded. But, once the garbage can is emptied, what happens to the plastic? It doesn't just vanish into thin air. It usually finds its way into the environment in some form or another, with a large portion of it ending up in the ocean. This article covers some of the basic facts about ocean plastic pollution, extent of plastic pollution in the ocean and provides several specific plastic pollution solutions that everyone can take part in to save the ocean from plastic pollution.

One of the most pressing environmental concerns we face today is marine plastic trash, which falls under the category of plastic pollution.

The two most prevalent sources of marine debris are:

  1. Land-based waste, which includes litter from beachgoers as well as stuff that has blown into the ocean or been washed in with storm water runoff.
  2. Ocean-based waste comprises garbage left at sea by ships and boats, as well as fishing detritus, discarded fishing line or nets, and abandoned fishing gear.

While discarded fishing gear has a negative impact on the marine environment by entangling marine creatures and harming coral reefs, it only accounts for around 20% of total marine trash; the other 80% comes from land-based sources. This isn't unexpected, given that almost half of all plastics are used to make single-use items that are thrown shortly after usage.

What is the extent of plastic pollution in the ocean?

Plastic is a significant contributor to ocean pollution, but how much plastic is there? According to the studies, rivers carry between 1.10 and 2.40 million tonnes of plastic into the oceans each year, with the months of May and October. According to the survey, the top 20 contributing rivers, which are largely in Asia, contribute roughly 65 percent of all plastics flowing into the ocean from rivers around the world.

Over the last 70 years, the demand for plastic has skyrocketed. Every year, 300 million tonnes of plastic is manufactured worldwide. Half of the plastic is utilized for one-time use disposable items. As a result, every year, more than 8 million tonnes of discarded plastic wind up in our oceans. It won't go away easily once it's there.

The World Watch Institute believes that the average American or European uses 100 kgs of plastic per year, the majority of which is used for packaging, and that while Asians presently use only 20 kilos per person, this is anticipated to rise as the region's economy grows.

How Can We Save the Ocean from Plastic Pollution?

We must confront the issue of marine garbage head-on. It's not simply a concern for the ecologically aware; it's a concern that has a direct impact on human health. Man is a top predator that consumes a wide range of ocean fish, shellfish, and other marine creatures. We're in the same boat as killer whales and polar bears when it comes to threats.

While any plastic or polystyrene pellets that may have clogged the stomach of the fish that is neatly presented on our dinner plate have been removed, the toxic contaminants originating from that debris are still present in the flesh we are about to eat. There's a lot to consider.

Here are some ideas for plastic-free living

We can begin by changing our own habits. The demand for single-use plastics will be reduced if you minimize your use of them. Avoiding plastic-wrapped items and opting for reusable produce bags is a fast way to modify your supermarket shopping habits. Only 10% of plastic is recycled globally, therefore recycling properly will help minimize plastic waste.

Consider how you can upcycle existing products rather than throwing them away or purchasing new ones. Supporting charities who are working to combat plastic pollution and supporting petitions for bans will help you make a bigger difference for the cause.

Participate in a beach/river cleaning. Wearing clothing made of natural (non-synthetic) fabrics like organic silk, cotton, and Pure will help to keep plastic microfibres out of the ocean and out of our food chain. All these things can help you save ocean from the plastic pollution.

Here are some more suggestions for avoiding plastic on a daily basis:

Avoid bottled water by using a reusable water bottle. Purchase a good water filter as well as a reusable stainless steel or glass container.

Say no to Straws: Every day, 300 million drinking straws are used in the United States. Consider how that would affect the rest of the globe. Carry a stainless steel straw in your bag if you truly like straws.

Reusable coffee cups: We all enjoy our coffee and tea, but it has a significant environmental impact. Keep a reusable coffee cup with you at all times. Glass, steel, and bamboo cups are just a few of the varieties offered.

3 Minute beach clean-up: If you enjoy being at beach, take three minutes to clean up and show your gratitude to nature. Make it a part of your pre-surf, pre-dive, pre-swim routine: Spend 3 minutes cleaning up the beach.

Reusable shopping bag: Always carry reusable shopping bags in your car, in your wok bag, in your jacket pocket, and right outside your front door They are inexpensive and folding pocket alternatives.